Friday, July 8, 2022

How an automated time tracker can help you manage your time better

An automated time tracker will give you a clearer overview of where your time is going every day and what areas need improvement. You'll be able to see where you spend the most time, which areas need improvement, and get a clear picture of what tasks need to be prioritized in order to get more done with less effort.

automated time tracker

A time tracker can help you manage your time better.

You might already have a personal productivity system that helps you track how long it takes you to get things done, but an automated system can be even more useful.

An automated time tracker will record a lot of data points about your day — how long it took you to do each task, how many steps you took, how much time was spent on certain tasks, and so on. This information can help your productivity improve if used correctly.

Here are some ways an automated time tracker could improve your productivity:

It lets you know what's taking longer than usual and make adjustments accordingly. If multiple tasks take longer than usual, the tool will show this in the form of a graph or chart so that you can see where the problem lies and make changes accordingly.

You get an instant overview of how long each task is taking compared to other tasks so that you know whether your priorities are aligned with what needs doing. If something is taking too long, it's easy to see which other tasks need prioritizing or trimming down in order for everything else to get done on time.

I’ve been using time tracking automation for the past two years, and I love it. It’s helped me become more productive, set myself goals for the year ahead, and even keep track of my personal productivity.

Here’s how it works:

1) You set up your account with a company like DeskTrack (which I use), which takes care of all the work for you, including setting up goals and tracking your time.

2) You enter the activity you want to track (e.g., “work on my blog”).

3) When you complete that activity, you click a button that sends an alert to Harvest about what you just did. Then, Harvest does the rest — sending out emails whenever someone checks in on their progress toward a goal or goal completion.

4) You can also set alerts when someone hits milestones along the way — e.g., “you finished 50%, now earn a $100 bonus!”


With an automated time tracker, you can easily segment your team by doing things like assigning them different projects and then measuring their progress through the use of charts and graphs. This can help managers understand how much time each employee is spending on different tasks, as well as what they're getting done.

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